Innervision Records - Cal Harris Jr.

Cal Harris Jr.


Cal Harris Jr.’s upbringing in Los Angeles was not a typical one. His earliest exposure to music took place literally in the company of legends. As the son of Grammy-nominated sound engineer Calvin Harris, Cal Harris Jr. grew up wandering the halls of the renowned Motown Studios in Los Angeles. In fact, one of his fondest childhood memories was a trip to the candy store with Melvin Franklin of the Temptations—a treat he would appreciate even more as an adult. It was within this environment that Harris would develop a love affair with music…and a well-groomed talent.

Cal has a passion and talent for composition as well as a lifetime of priceless experiences in the industry. He drives home the idea of creating solid, seductive, and infectious melodies through impeccable production. He is involved in nearly every part of his music's production, including writing, keyboards and mixing.